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... is a drummer, improviser and sound artist

..., born in Wiesbaden in 1995, grew up in Eltville am Rhein until he moved to the Netherlands for a Jazz & Pop studies with a major in drums. At the conservatory in Arnhem he had lessons from Wolter Wierbos, Frans Vermeersen and Etienne Nillesen, among others, and discovered his love for improvised music through lecturers and fellow students. He has now returned to the Rhine-Main area and it is precisely this music that has led him to the "Kooperative New Jazz e.V." in Wiesbaden, which runs the concert room "artist". He has also been studying sound art composition with Prof. Peter Kiefer at the Mainz University of Music since 2021 in order to expand his artistic practice beyond pure instrumentalism. On this website you will find some documentation of the various elements of his work.

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