Leon Senger...
subject unknown - iteration II (2022)
Sound installation, drawing paper
fühle den Stift in meiner Hand
sehe den Strich auf dem Papier
höre mich zeichnen
Doch, was zeichne ich auf?
höre den Strich auf dem Papier
sehe den Stift in meiner Hand
fühle meine Bewegungen
Doch, was bewegt mich?
bewege meinen Körper
höre andere Körper
sehe meine Zeichnung
zeichne, was ich höre
Doch, können auch Sie es hören?

The paper segments hanging in the room are each filled with small, quickly drawn lines in different densities. The sounds created while drawing are played back via the mobile from small speakers. Other transducers distributed around the room reproduce sounds that have a similar complex texture - some of these are digitally created as artifacts of audio effects, others are, for example, recordings of bubbling water. The sonic level of the installation poses the question of a shared chaotic energy from which the seemingly arbitrary drawings emerge. The almost automatic drawing process is therefore not viewed as a conscious, careful decision by a subject, but rather as a resonance with the chaotic rhythms of the world of which the artist is also a part.