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Leon Senger...
awtsoiom - Leinwand
Acrylic pen on canvas and woodchip spatula on canvas 50 x 50 cm
4-channel audio

Headphone mix of the 4-channel audio:
There are two canvases hanging on opposite sides of the room. The painterly creation process of the two opposing canvases was recorded with four microphones, one microphone at each corner. The sound recordings are played back via the four loudspeakers in the corners of the room. This positioning means that the visitors are, so to speak, in the middle of the screen and the pen moves around them in an acoustically enlarged manner. The sound reproduction alternates between the two screens to stimulate the senses as they try to connect what is heard and what is seen. The sonic traces of the creation process open up new levels of perception when looking at the canvases and point directly to that very process.
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